'This episode is sponsored by Trade Coffee. Get 30% OFF your first bag of coffee with Trade Coffee when you click here: https://cen.yt/tradesohla This week, like pilgrims of old (sort of), we are (sort of) headed into the new frontier for that most auspicious of American holidays: Thanksgiving. In the spirit of the season, Sohla prepares a sumptuous feast, places it under a vacuum, freezes it to -50F, and gently heats it to remove 99.9% of its moisture. Why, you ask? Watch and find out, as we embark on our most ambitious, silly, and ambitiously silly journey to date. Special thanks to Zero Gravity Company for a once in a lifetime experience! https://www.gozerog.com/ Starring: Sohla El-Waylly Director: Jessica Opon Camera: Jessica Opon / Ray Cronise Editor: Brad Cash / Jessica Opon Producers: Andrew Rea, Sawyer Jacobs, Kevin Grosch, Jessica Opon, and Emilija Saxe Binging With Babish Website: http://bit.ly/BingingBabishWebsite Basics With Babish Website: http://bit.ly/BasicsWithBabishWebsite Patreon: http://bit.ly/BingingPatreon Instagram: http://bit.ly/BabishInstagram Facebook: http://bit.ly/BabishFacebook Twitter: http://bit.ly/BabishTwitter'
Tags: mashed potatoes , Thanksgiving , binging with babish , thanksgiving dinner , thanksgiving recipes , cranberry sauce , Pumpkin Pie , turkey recipe , zero gravity , babish , babbish , sweet potato pie , sweet potatoes , stuffing recipe , how to make turkey , How to make stuffing , sweet potato casserole , mashed potato recipe , how to make cranberry sauce , pumpkin pie recipes , pumpkin pie recipe , mashed potato recipes , eating in zero g , eating in zero gravity , zero g , binging with babbish
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